The new boring system GA200-VARIO for diameters from 44 to 130 mm:

- μm-precise diameter adjustment for fineboring thanks to insert holder with Hollfelder-Guhring tapered screw adjustment
- large adjustment range
- internal coolant supply is directed straight to the cutting edge
- different insert holders for fine- and rough boring
- unequal cutting edge spacing →170°
- adaptable to fit all kind of spindles and lengths
- rigid connection between basic adapter and interchangeable insert holder
Advantages of the overall concept:
roughing and finish machining with only one tool head due to progressive cutting process |
close tolerances can be achieved |
one basic adapter for different diameters |
no retraction marks because of unequal cutting edge spacing |
wide range of insert geometries and coatings available according to customer specifications |
See also in the Catalog on Page 104 - 117